Recident participation: Small grants

Small grants for new and start-up projects

Application period opens 15th January 2025.

Small grants can be used to support new and start-up projects and activities under the first and second types of grants, or one-off short-term projects. A small grant can be used to support unregistered organisations and associations.

An application for a small grant must include a clear project plan, a project budget, and the name of the person responsible for the project. Grant applications should be addressed to the Participation and Guidance Unit at the City Executive Office, which is responsible for preparing the resident participation grant scheme. The maximum amount of small grants awarded is €3,000.

City Board, Recident participation small grants

The City Board grants annually grants resident participation grants.

Types of grants:
1. General grant for the maintenance and coordination of activities in residential houses.
2. Operating grant for the development of structures and methods to improve resident participation.
3. Small grants for new and start-up projects. Small grant applications are processed in order of arrival.

How the process works

Grants can be applied for by registered associations such as residents'/neighbourhood associations, other associations, foundations, cooperatives, social enterprises, parking companies managing residents' houses and other enterprises, as long as the activities to be supported are of general interest and target the residents of the city of Helsinki. For applicants in the form of a company, the general instructions of the city apply.

A small grant can be used to support unregistered organisations and associations.

Grants can be applied year-round or until they are all granted. The maximum amount of small grants awarded is €3,000.

How to apply
- Log into the city's e-services at
- Confirm your identity with a form of strong identification (online banking codes, Mobile ID, or a certificate card).
- Fill in the online application form for the City Board general grant.
- Submit the completed application or save it as a draft. Note that attachments will not be saved along with the draft application.
- You can track the processing of your application in the 'Latest events' section of the e-services folder.

Application processing
- The City Board will make a decision on the grant.
- The City of Helsinki pays the grant to the selected applicant organisation's bank account.
- Selected applicants must draw up a report explaining how the grant was used and send it to the city. The grant can only be used for the purpose stated in the application.
- Inform the city immediately via email (kanslia.avustukset[at] if any significant changes arise that affect the grant or its use.

Validity period

The application is valid until a decision has been made. A new application submitted for the same purpose will replace any older versions in the system.

Additional information

Apply for City of Helsinki grants through the city's e-services. If this is not possible, you can also mail the application to the City Register Office at the following address: City of Helsinki Register Office, P.O. Box 10, 00099 CITY OF HELSINKI

Anni Raitaniemi
040 358 8793 opens default mail program)


Use the online service

Recident participation: Small grants

Service available every day around the clock
Requires authentication.

Resident participation grants are awarded in accordance with the coming grant criteria established by the City Board.

  1. Grants for resident participation are awarded for activities that are in line with the Helsinki City Strategy, complementary to the city's activities, of general interest, open and, as a rule, free of charge, innovative and diversely targeted at different population groups.
  2. The activities supported must aim to improve the participation and influence of residents, the community, and the amenity and attractiveness of the area.
  3. Grants can be applied for by registered associations such as residents'/neighbourhood associations, other associations, foundations, cooperatives, social enterprises, parking companies managing residents' houses and other enterprises, as long as the activities to be supported are of general interest and target the residents of the city of Helsinki. For applicants in the form of a company, the general instructions of the city apply. Small grants can also be applied for by unregistered actors such as neighbourhood associations and various action and working groups.
  4. Activities should promote cooperation with the various actors in the region.
  5. The aim is regional balance and needs-based consideration. Support can be prioritised for areas where there is less activity or where it is considered to be of most benefit.
  6. The applicant must have other resources for the activity, which may consist of fund-raising, membership fees, income from premises or subletting them, voluntary work and other contributions.
  7. The applicant is required to demonstrate and report on the results and benefits of the activity.

Hae avustusta


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