Reporting holiday camp grants for youth activities

Holiday camp grants are awarded for organising camp activities during the school holidays for children and youth aged 7–16 who are Helsinki residents. There are specific eligibility criteria for the number and duration of camps, participants, and dates, which you should read carefully. Read more about the eligibility criteria for holiday camp grants. 

For camps held between 1 November and 31 October, the deadline to apply for a holiday camp grant is the end of the last day of October. At the end of the season, a report of the grant must be submitted by the end of October. Read more about applying for holiday camp grants. 

The use of the holiday camp grant is reported on the holiday camp grant report, which is submitted with the same Excel annex that was submitted when applying for the grant. Now, the annex is filled in with the realised data. 

The report is filled in electronically in the city’s grant application e-service. 

Check that the dates, hours, participants and locations of the camps are correct. If there are any changes to these compared to your plan or the award criteria for the grant, please briefly explain these changes in the ‘Brief description of the camp’ section of the camp Excel sheet.

Eligible expenses for holiday camp grants are: 

  • Transport; material; food; communication; insurance; and rental costs for camps. 

  • Payroll costs for camp staff 

The camp Excel with realised camp data is submitted together with the report in the city’s grant application e-service. 

The cost centre statement including the income and expenses of the camps is submitted by the end of March of the following year to opens default mail program) or by mail to Partner Unit/Youth Services, P.O. Box 51400, 00099 City of Helsinki. 

The Culture and Leisure Committee’s Youth Sub-committee decides on the holiday camp grant in two parts. The first decision is made in the beginning of the year on the basis of the plans provided in the camp Excel. The second decision is made towards the end of the year in November–December based on the realised camps reported in the Excel file. 


Both the beginning-of-year and end-of-year grant decisions will be sent to the applicant by post. The Youth Sub-committee’s meeting minutes, which include the decision, are also available on the City of Helsinki's website. The Youth Sub-committee’s meeting agendas are published approximately one week before the meeting, and both the agendas and minutes can also be found  on the city’s website (Link leads to external service)(Link leads to external service) .  

You cannot view the decisions on the grant application e-service where you completed the application. 

Read more about decision-making on the holiday camp grant page. 

Read more  general guidance on grants(Link leads to external service)  for youth activities. 

Read more about  guidance and support(Link leads to external service)  for grants for youth activities. 

Please contact  the planners in the Youth Services Partnership Unit(Link leads to external service)  if you have any questions or concerns about youth activity grants. 

Hae avustusta

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