Guidance and support on grants for youth activities

This page provides guidance and support for grants, the administration and financial management of associations, and using the e-service. 

Information to be collected on the activities of associations applying for operating- and hiring grants.

Link to Instructions.(Link leads to external service)

Information sessions

The Partnership Unit regularly holds information sessions on youth activity grants. We hold a session in February on operating and hiring grants, and in October on holiday camp grants. You can always ask questions about other grants at these information sessions. We will also arrange for other information sessions as necessary.

It is especially useful to attend these information sessions if the association is applying for this particular type of grant for the first time, or if the person applying for the grant has changed. Even experienced applicants are advised to attend the information sessions, especially if there have been changes to the eligibility guidelines or systems. 

You can find information about the information sessions in the Current news section of this page and in the Youth Services partner letter. Subscribe to the partner letter.(Link leads to external service)  (in finnish)

Support and guidance for the administration and financial management of associations

Kari Lydman, CPA, has produced a useful document for youth associations: General accounting guidelines (pdf) (Link leads to external service) (in finnish). It contains information about the requirements for supporting documents in accounting legislation and other considerations for managing associations.

Associations often operate entirely on a voluntary basis. There is also turnover in the associations’ active members and board members. Various entities provide training on association activities, management and finances. It is a good idea to take advantage of the available training when needed and appropriate, e.g. when new people join the association’s board. Training courses are provided by various organisations and adult educational centres, for example.

Associations that receive grants must comply with the Associations Act and Accounting Act. The association must ensure that its accounts are kept by a person with the necessary competence to prepare the accounts and financial statements per the Accounting Act and the grant guidelines. If necessary, associations can purchase accounting services from accounting professionals. Accounting costs are eligible expenses for youth activity operating grants. 

Instructions for using e-services

You submit grant applications using the City of Helsinki’s grant application services. For instructions on how to use the city’s grant application services, see address: leads to external service)

The grant types and forms for youth activities are available on our website at address: leads to external service)

We will not award grants for applications submitted after the deadline. We recommend that you submit your application before the last day to apply, as the service may experience high traffic.

If an application is incomplete, we will ask the applicant to complete it. It is therefore important that you use an email address for the application’s contact person that is checked sufficiently frequently. This ensures that applicants become aware of important requests for additional information and their deadlines in a timely manner. 

Reminder on using the Helsinki logo 

Whenever possible, grant recipients must include the City of Helsinki logo in their information and marketing materials. There is a Finnish and Swedish version, as well as a bilingual version of the logo. In any case, the recipient must mention the City of Helsinki as a sponsor of the event.  Download the logo of the City of Helsinki.(Link leads to external service)