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Information about grants
Information about grants
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Grants awarded by the Education Division
Grants awarded by the Education Division
Toggle submenu: Grants awarded by the Education Division
Grant for organisers of after-school activities for school children
Optional extra grant for after-school activity organisers
Grants for culture
Grants for culture
Toggle submenu: Grants for culture
Arts and culture grants: Project grants
Arts and culture grants: Operational grants
Arts and culture grants: Multi-year operational grants
Development grants for culture
Helsinki Model development grants
Basic arts education grants
Basic arts education development grants
Institutional grant for culture
Separate grant call: Targeted culture grant for the provision of club activities in weighted-curriculum music education
Separate grant call: Culture grants for the promotion of cultural activities for the elderly
How to use the renewed City of Helsinki grant application services
Contact information for cultural grants
Grants for recident participation
Grants for recident participation
Toggle submenu: Grants for recident participation
Resident participation: General and operating grants
Recident participation: Small grants
Grants for sports
Grants for sports
Toggle submenu: Grants for sports
Operating grant for sports
Sports facility usage grant
Grant for other associations promoting sport and physical activity
Sports event grant
Targeted grant for sports 2025
Targeted grant for sports 2024
Sports Services, orienteering map grant
Start grant for sports
Grant for the promotion of sport and physical activity for the elderly
Grant from the remaining appropriation for sports grants for 2023
Grant to support regional sports activities
Institutional grant for sports
Contact details for sports grants
Grants for youth activities
Grants for youth activities
Toggle submenu: Grants for youth activities
Operating grant advance for youth activities
Operating grant for youth activities
Hiring grants for youth activities
Hiring grant advances for youth activities
Project grants for youth activities for associations
Youth activity project grant Sponssi for youth activity groups
Club grants for organising youth activities
Start grants for youth activities
Holiday camp grants for youth activities
Holiday camp grants for youth activities
Toggle submenu: Holiday camp grants for youth activities
Reporting holiday camp grants
Special youth activity grant for preventing segregation
Other grants
Other grants
Toggle submenu: Other grants
City Board: General grant
Grants for welfare and health promotion, social welfare and health care and rescue services
Urban environment: General grant
Application search
Instructions for applicants
Instructions for applicants
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Service instructions
Main navigation
Information about grants
Grants awarded by the Education Division
Grants for culture
Grants for recident participation
Grants for sports
Grants for youth activities
Other grants
Application search
Instructions for applicants
Service instructions
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Application search
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Arts and culture
Culture and Leisure
Childhood and education
Physical education
Resident participation
The Helsinki City Executive Office / City Board
Urban environment
Welfare and health
Youth activities
What kind of activity are you applying grant for?
- Any -
General grant
Institution and foundation grants
Basic art education
Immigrant integration grant
Camp grant
Capacity buildning grant / The Helsinki Model
Culture and leisure: application for subsidy
Development grants
Development grants for basic arts education
Development grants for the Helsinki Model
Early childhood education
Event grant
Extra grant
Facility usage grant
Liberal adult education
Grant for operations development
Grant for other associations promoting physical activity
Rent subsidy
Interests and installments
Targeted sports grant
Transport subsidy
Special grant for culture 1
Special grant for culture 2
Special grant for culture and leisure 1
Special grant for culture and leisure 2
Special grant for sports 1
Special grant for sports 2
Wage subsidy
Navigation map grant
Special grant for youth activities 1
Special grant for youth activities 2
Operating grant
Small grant
Project grant
Start grant
- Any -
Registered community
Unregistered community or group
Private person
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items per page
Welfare and health
Grants for welfare and health promotion, social welfare and health care and rescue services
Application period
Grants are awarded for activities that support the objectives of the current City Strategy and welfare and health promotion plan, as well as for activities linked to accident prevention, rescue …
General grant
Physical education
Grant from the remaining appropriation for sports grants for 2023
Application period
The remaining appropriation for sports grants for 2023 targeted at sports clubs in Helsinki whose financial situation remained challenging because of the COVID‑19 pandemic or whose operational …
Culture and Leisure
Institutional grant for sports
Application period
Institutional grants for sports are aimed at the City of Helsinki’s subsidiaries. Institutional grants are discretionary grants. Application period: see section application. Open all Eligibility …
Interests and installments
Operating grant
Rent subsidy
Urban environment
Environmental affairs: General grant
Application period
The environmental affairs general grant supports activities that promote sustainable development, for example, through environmental and nature protection or environmental education. Lead-in …
Operating grant
Rent subsidy
Youth activities
Hiring grant advances for youth activities
Application period
Associations that have received a hiring grant from the Youth Sub-committee of the Culture and Leisure Committee in the previous year are eligible for an advance of up to a maximum of 50 procent of …
Operating grant
Wage subsidy
Youth activities
Operating grant advance for youth activities
Application period
Associations that have received an operating grant or start-up grant from the Youth Sub-committee of the Culture and Leisure Committee in the previous year are eligible for an advance on their …
Operating grant
Wage subsidy
Resident participation
Recident participation: Small grants
Continuous application
Small grants for new and start-up projects Application period opens 15th January 2025. Small grants can be used to support new and start-up projects and activities under the first and second types of …
Small grant
Youth activities
Reporting holiday camp grants for youth activities
Application period
Holiday camp grants are awarded for organising camp activities during the school holidays for children and youth aged 7–16 who are Helsinki residents. There are specific eligibility criteria for the …
Camp grant
Culture and Leisure
Institutional grant for culture
Application period
The institutional grant for culture is a discretionary grant intended for the City of Helsinki's subsidiaries. The application period for institutional grants for culture for the year 2026 is from …
Interests and installments
Operating grant
Rent subsidy