For more information about Cultural Services and Support grants, please contact:
Katri Tenhola, Special Planning Officer, tel. 09 310 27249, opens default mail program)
- Urban culture and regional work, literature and literary art, Helsinki Model, street art
Jenni Peisa, Special Planning Officer, tel. 09 310 20455, opens default mail program)
- Film and media art, circus, multi-culture, events and festivals, development grants
Silja Nummi, Special Planning Officer, tel. 09 310 38995, opens default mail program)
- Visual art, museums, classical music, choirs
Inka Kunnala, Special Planning Officer, tel. 09 310 33 169, opens default mail program)
- Performing arts, dance, grants for VOS organisations
Krista Holm, Special Planning Officer, tel 09 310 51022, opens default mail program)
- Music, theater, grants to promote the cultural activities of the elderly
Sarianna Hanski, Special Planning Officer, tel. 09 310 32204, opens default mail program)
- Grants to promote the cultural activities of the elderly
Nina Gran, Special Planning Officer, tel. 09 310 37006, opens default mail program)
- Children’s culture, basic arts education, cultural education, cultural activities in Swedish, performing arts
Anna Dantchev, Special Planning Officer, tel. 09 310 50469, opens default mail program)
- Music, theater, performing arts, grants for Alppipuisto summer events
In addition, the following people work on different projects within the unit of Partnerships, Grants and Projects:
Milka Salonen, project planner, tel. 09 310 33034, opens default mail program)
- Project owner, a project to renew the operation of courses and events
Riikka Mäkinen, project coordinator, tel. 09 310 35479, opens default mail program)
- Estradi project
Aapo Koistinen, project coordinator, tel. 09 310 50431, opens default mail program)
- Estradi project
Ulla Bergström, Unit Manager, tel. 09 310 22 013, opens default mail program)
- Unit Manager, partnerships
The Unit of Partnerships, Grants and Projects is part of the Cultural Services and Support, which is headed by service manager Veikko Kunnas (tel. 09 310 37002, opens default mail program) ).
Our offices are located in Vallila. Our address is Fredriksberg, Konepajankuja 3, FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland.