Other grants

On this page you can find information about other grants.

Types of grants

Grants are awarded for activities that support the objectives of the current City Strategy and welfare and health promotion plan, as well as for activities linked to accident prevention, rescue operations or civil protection.

More information about grants for welfare and health promotion, social welfare and health care and rescue services(Link leads to external service)

The City of Helsinki awards general grants to registered organisations that arrange activities for the public good. The City Board's general subsidy may be granted for activities that do not belong to any committee's sphere of responsibility.

More information about general grant(Link leads to external service)

The employment grant can be applied for by registered associations and foundations that have been in operation for at least a year and whose activities promote the employment opportunities of unemployed Helsinki residents.

More information about employment grant(Link leads to external service)

General grants can be applied for by registered organisations, which have been operational for at least a year and whose operations are aimed for the benefit of the people of Helsinki.

More information about urban environment: general grant application(Link leads to external service)