Youth service, operations and employment grant application
Youth service, operations and employment grant applicationThis printout is only for previewing the application and cannot be used when applying for a grant
1. Applicant details
Retrieved information
Provide here a community email address that is actively read. Contact requests related to the grant application, such as requests for further clarification and completion, will be sent to the email address.
Email address
Provide the email address to which you want the messages and notifications related to this application to be sent and which is actively read.
Contact person for the application
Contact person
Phone number
If you want to add, delete or change address information, save the application as a draft and go to maintain the address information in your own data.
Account number
Account number
If you want to add, delete or change account number information, save the application as a draft and go to maintain the account number information in your own data.
Persons responsible for operations
Persons responsible for operations
If you want to add, delete or change people, save the application as a draft and go to maintain the people's information in your own data.
2. Grant details
Grant details
Year for which I am applying for a grant
▢ 2026
Types of grant
If you are also applying for a facility rent grant, include the rent grant amount in the application amount of the operating grant.
I am applying for a facility rent grant
▢ No
A facility rent grant is applied for in connection with an operating grant. Include the applied amount of rent grant in the application amount of the operating grant. Also remember to mark that you are applying for an operating grant.
Other grants received for the same purpose
We have received other grants
▢ No
Grant issuer
▢ EU
▢ Other
▢ Foundation
Issuer's name
Which body has granted the grant (e.g. name of the ministry)
Amount of grant granted
Description of intended use
Give a brief description, for what purpose has the grant been granted?
Other grants applied for to be used for the same purpose
We have applied for grants from somewhere other than the City of Helsinki
▢ No
Grant issuer
▢ EU
▢ Other
▢ Foundation
Issuer's name
Which body has granted the grant (e.g. name of the ministry)
The amount of the grant applied for
Description of intended use
Give a brief description, for what purpose has the grant been granted?
3. Activities
Number of members of the association or those participating actively in activities
Young people’s participation times in the activities of the association
All participation times of persons under 29 years of age in the previous calendar year
Record here the total number of times people aged under 29 have attended the activities of your association/group during the previous year. This means every time a person attended an event, activity or something similar. This figure also includes digital attendance.
of which digital participation times of persons under 29 years of age amounted to
Specify here the total number of digital attendances by people aged under 29. A single digital attendance means a young person who attended an event or activity held online or in a digital operating environment. This means every time a person attended an event, activity or something similar.
Places where the association organised activities for young people during the previous year
We only organised activities in a digital environment
▢ No
Select “Yes” if you only organised activities in a digital environment. Select “No” if you only organised activities on a physical site or in both digital and physical environments. Enter the names and postcodes of the physical premises in the fields below.
Memberships in organisations and other communities
Young people’s participation in planning and decision-making
How are young people included in the planning and decision-making of the association’s activities?
4. Hiring information
Full-time employees
How many full-time employees work for the association?
Hiring costs of the previous year
Specify here the hiring costs of the employee/s for the previous calendar year. Expenses eligible for the hiring grant are employees’ hiring costs, statutory and voluntary social security costs, statutory insurance policies and travel costs arising from an employee’s work. Include here only the hiring costs of the employee(s) on which you have/could have used the hiring grant. This does not include, for example, project workers.
Hiring costs
Statutory and voluntary social security contributions
Travel and training expenses
5. Facility rent grant application details
Rented facility
Additional information
Additional information
6. Additional information and attachments
Additional information concerning the application
Additional information
If necessary, you can write additional information or other justifications related to the application.
All the attachments listed below must be submitted for the processing of the grant application. The grant application may be rejected if the attachments are not submitted. If any of the attachments is missing, let us know in the Further clarification on attachments section of the application.
Required attachments
The required attachments to the application for an operating and hiring grant are the association’s valid rules, the confirmed financial statements for the year preceding the application year, the annual report and the signed audit or performance audit report as well as the minutes of the meeting where the financial statements were confirmed and the discharge from liability processed. In addition, a budget and action plan for the year for which the grant is being applied for are mandatory attachments. The rules must be approved by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office.
Submission of several attachments as a single file
If you wish, you can submit several attachments as a single file under Financial statements or Budget. In this case, under the other attachment headings, indicate “The attachment has been submitted as a single file or with another application.”
Attachments previously submitted to the City of Helsinki
If the required attachments have already been submitted as attachments to another grant application addressed to the City of Helsinki, the same attachments do not need to be submitted again. The confirmed financial statements, annual report, action plan and budget of the community cannot be different from one application to another. In this case, under the submitted attachments, indicate “The attachment has been submitted as a single file or with another application”.
Huomioithan, että et pysty avaamaan liitteitä sen jälkeen, kun olet liittänyt ne lomakkeelle. Näet liitteestä ainoastaan sen tiedostonimen.
Vaikka et voi tarkastella liitteiden sisältä jälkikäteen, lomakkeelle liitetyt liitteet lähtevät lomakkeen muiden tietojen mukana avustushakemuksen käsittelijälle.
Community Rules
Confirmed financial statements (for the previous accounting period)
The financial statements must include at least the profit and loss account and the balance sheet. An association must append to this section the financial statements confirmed and signed at the association’s annual meeting. The community’s accounting period may be a calendar year or some other period. In the case of associations, their own rules state what the association’s accounting period is.
Confirmed annual report (for the previous accounting period)
An association must append to this section the annual report confirmed at the association’s annual meeting. If the annual report is part of the financial statements and you have already appended it to the form with the financial statements, it does not need to be appended here separately. In this case, under the annual report, indicate “The attachment has been submitted as a single file or with another application”.
Confirmed audit or performance audit report (for the previous accounting period)
An association must append to this section the annual report confirmed at the association’s annual meeting. If the annual report is part of the financial statements and you have already appended it to the form with the financial statements, it does not need to be appended here separately. In this case, under the annual report, indicate “The attachment has been submitted as a single file or with another application”.
Minutes of the annual meeting confirming the financial statements for the previous accounting period
Append here the minutes of the community meeting in which the financial statements for the previous accounting period are confirmed and discharge from liability granted. For associations, the financial statements are always confirmed at the association’s annual meeting. If the community is not required to have an annual meeting or other community meeting at which the financial statements should be approved and discharge from liability granted, this attachment does not need to be submitted.
Action plan (for the year for which you are applying for a grant)
Append here the action plan for the whole community.
Budget (for the year for which you are applying for a grant)
Budget (for the year for which you are applying for a grant)
Further clarification on attachments
Other attachment
Add other appendices here, such as the lease agreement and rent payment receipt when applying for the facility rent grant, or financial and operational documents of the youth section or other similar body.