Arts and culture grants: Project grants
Arts and culture grants: Project grantsThis printout is only for previewing the application and cannot be used when applying for a grant
1. Applicant details
Retrieved information
Email address
Provide the email address to which you want the messages and notifications related to this application to be sent and which is actively read.
Contact person for the application
Contact person
Phone number
If you want to add, delete or change address information, save the application as a draft and go to maintain the address information in your own data.
Account number
Account number
If you want to add, delete or change account number information, save the application as a draft and go to maintain the account number information in your own data.
Persons responsible for operations
Persons responsible for operations
If you want to add, delete or change people, save the application as a draft and go to maintain the people's information in your own data.
2. Grant details
Information regarding the grant
The year I’m applying the grant for
Grant type
Primary field of art
▢ Film, photography and media
▢ Urban art and culture
▢ Literature
▢ Visual arts and comics
▢ Multidisciplinary art
▢ Museum
▢ Music
▢ Other
▢ Circus
▢ Dance
▢ Theatre
Choose the option that best describes your activities.
Name of the project
Choose a name for the project that can be published along with the decision.
Festival or event
▢ No
This refers to a set of programs that is named as a festival or event, and which takes place within a limited timeframe, but is broader in program and duration than a single concert, play etc.
A festival or event includes a variety of programs, such as performances, between which the audience can also change. Festivals or events can be, for example, neighborhood festivals. They are not, for example, performance series or larger projects that are not marketed as a festival or an event. A festival or event can be either a recurring event or a one-off event.
A short description of the project or the activities
The text can be published or used as a presentation as such or in a modified form along with the decision. Max 500 characters.
Other grants awarded for the same purpose
List only grants from other instances than the City of Helsinki in the current year and the two previous years before that.
We have received other grants
▢ No
Grant issuer
▢ EU
▢ Other
▢ Foundation
Issuer's name
Which body has granted the grant (e.g. name of the ministry)
Amount of grant granted
Description of intended use
Give a brief description, for what purpose has the grant been granted?
3. Information regarding the organization
Personnel in the project that you are applying the grant for
4. Activities
Estimated numbers
Answer regarding the whole project that you are applying the grant for. Only include information about physical performances, exhibitions, and workshops, do not include contents that are carried out solely in digital format. In the case of grants by the City of Helsinki, the focus of the activities on Helsinki and Helsinki residents is assessed. For this reason we ask for the volumes separately for Helsinki and of the entire activities, separately.
Number of days during which the events take place in Helsinki
Number of visitors in Helsinki
Total number of visitors
The locations of the public events in Helsinki
The date of the first public event
The dates, in case of festivals and events
The project begins
The project ends
Project description
A more comprehensive project description
Describe the project in brief, for example, why, what, for whom, how, and what are the goals.
5. The basis for the activities
Describe the artistic starting points and goals of the activities, the level of artistic professionalism, and the position within the field of art.
You may also mention, for example, central awards or other notations.
How are diversity and equality realized and visible in the organizers and the contents? What kinds of actions are taken, and resources and expertise available for this purpose?
How are the activities made as accessible as possible either socially, culturally, in terms of language, economically, physically, regionally, or otherwise? What kinds of actions are taken, and resources and expertise available for this purpose?
How do the activities increase the community spirit and strengthen collaboration and networks? What possibilities do the residents have of participating in the different phases of the activities? What kinds of actions are taken, and resources and expertise available for this purpose?
Who are the target audiences or participants for the activities? How will they be reached, and what expertise is available for working with them?
Describe the professional level of organizing the activities, and how the operations are organized.
How are ecological aspects taken into consideration in organizing the activities? What kinds of actions are taken, and resources and expertise available for this purpose?
Name the central partners, and describe the forms and conditions of each collaboration.
Name a maximum of approximately five partners.
6. Finances
Planned budget
The organization belongs to the central government subsidies system (VOS)
▢ No
Select yes, only if you know for sure that your organization receives funding in the form of the central government subsidies. This does not refer to all the grants granted by the state, but to a separate statutory form of funding for a limited group. For art and culture operators the central government subsidies are calculated based on, for example, person-years of work and their unit price or the number of teaching hours of basic arts education.
Planned incomes
Requested grants (€)
Other grants (€)
Including other grants from the City of Helsinki.
Private financier (e.g. sponsorship, severance pay, donation) (€)
Access and cancellation fees (€)
Ticket sales etc.
Other income from own operations (€)
The community's own funding (€)
Planned expenses
Salaries and fees for performers and artists (€)
Other salaries and fees (production, technology, etc.) (€)
Personnel costs from salaries and fees (approx. 30%) (€)
Performance fees (€)
Compensation for presenting art that is paid in other forms than salary or trade income.
Travel costs (€)
Transport costs (€)
Technology, equipment rentals and electricity (€)
Premise operating costs and rents (€)
Information, marketing and printing (€)
Other notable input
Is there some other form of valuable input or trade involved in carrying out the activities that is not listed in the budget?
7. Additional information and attachments
Additional information concerning the application
Additional information
If necessary, you can write additional information or other justifications related to the application.
All the attachments listed below must be submitted for the processing of the grant application. The grant application may be rejected if the attachments are not submitted. If any of the attachments is missing, let us know in the Further clarification on attachments section of the application.
Required appendices
For the processing of the grant application, the required attachments are curricula vitae of the members of the working group in the case of a project by art professionals.
As a new applicant or when your banking information has changed, you are also required to submit a bank statement or similar document indicating the account holder's name and the account number in the applicant's my data.
Submission of several appendices as a single file
You can submit several curricula vitae of the members of the working group as separate files in the Other attachment. If you wish, you can also submit several attachments as a single file.
Please note that you will not be able to open the attachments after you have attached them to the form. You will only see the file name of the attachment.
Although you cannot view the attachments afterwards, the attachments to the form are sent along with the other information on the form to the grant application processor.