Contact details for sports grants

City of Helsinki, Culture and Leisure Division, Sports Services, Partnership and Development Unit (grants and reservations) opens default mail program)

Personal email addresses are in the format: opens default mail program)

Lari Vilkman, senior coordinator, tel. +358 9 310 37159

  • Grants for the promotion of sport and physical activity for the elderly, event grants

Janne Rissanen, coordinator, tel. +358 9 310 50719

  • Operating grants, grants for the use of sports facilities, targeted grants, clearing grants for ice sports for children and youth

Janina Mäkinen, coordinator, tel. +358 9 310 32610

  • Grants for other associations promoting physical activity, start grants, orienteering map grants, grants to support areal sports activities

Lassi Laitinen, coordinator, tel. +358 9 310 87947

  • Operating grants, grants for the use of sports facilities

Miika Kyllönen, grants & reservations team lead, tel. +358 9 310 38320

Taina Korell, unit head, tel. +358 9 310 38038

  • Institutional grants for sports (grants for sports subsidiaries)

Minna Leino, administrative secretary, tel. +358 9 310 89044

  • Inquiries on grant payments